ASJA Pacific Northwest wrapped up the year with a virtual get-together and seasonal celebration on December 21st. Nine members joined the meeting, from Idaho, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.
Plans and goals for 2023 dominated the round-table discussion, with several writers working on new book ideas or proposals. Members offered advice and compared notes on structuring a YA book proposal, getting feedback, and options for sourcing illustrations.
Also discussed: recording and voice-to-text tools and software, including Otter and Windows internal audio recorder.
The monthly meetings are an opportunity for local ASJA members to share news and solicit ideas and advice on writing related work, marketing, and technology.
ASJA members attending the December meeting: Maxine Cass, Fred Gebhart, Carla Furlong, Catherine Kolonko, Joanna Nesbit, Michelle V. Rafter, Randy Stapilus, Sharon Thompson, Minda Zetlin.