ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-04

Ten ASJA members from the Pacific Northwest joined the group’s virtual monthly meeting on April 21.

The get-togethers are a chance for local members to share news and solicit ideas and advice on writing related work, marketing, and technology. Issues on the minds of writers at the latest meeting included tips for staying focused on a writing project, sources to interview for a Covid-related feature, suggestions for locating a digital marketing consultant and potential opportunities for editing work.

Several writers at the meeting had recently delivered virtual talks or courses, or had presentations in the works:

  • Fred Gebhart, in Oregon, gave a presentation on food preservation to the Oregon State University Master Food Preserver program in Jackson Country.
  • Oregon writer Randy Stapilus spoke to the McMinnville Lions Club, following up on a piece he wrote for the local paper on reapportionment.
  • Rosemary Keevil, a British Columbia writer and author of The Art of Losing it: A Memoir of Grief and Addiction, was scheduled to speak to the Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico on April 27.

ASJA members attending the April meeting: Maxine Cass, Sondra Forsyth, Fred Gebhart, Catherine Kolonko, Rosemary Keevil, Bruce Miller, M. Carolyn Miller, Randy Stapilus, Sharon Thompson, Minda Zetlin.