ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-09

Twelve writers from ASJA’s Pacific Northwest chapter met virtually in September after a two-month summer hiatus. The get-togethers are a chance for local members to share news and solicit ideas and advice on writing related work, marketing, and technology.

The group welcomed Christina Leimer, an ASJA member who recently moved to Portland, and finalized plans for an in-person meeting of Portland-area writers later in the week.

In member news this month:

Washington wine writer L.M. Archer recently wrote a two-part series on Brexit and the wine and spirits trade for Meininger’s Wine Business International and chaired a panel discussion on the same topic with the Circle of Wine Writers.

Joanna Nesbit, also in Washington, who specializes in personal finance and higher education, has covered the impact of Covid-19 on college students for various publications. A piece for Money Magazine looked at extra fees incurred by students to cover costs of quarantining, isolating, or testing.

Recent freelance work by Randy Stapilus, a writer, editor, and book publisher in Oregon, included an analysis on that state’s upcoming governor’s race, published in the McMinnville News-Register.

ASJA members attending the September meeting: L.M. Archer, Maxine Cass, Fred Gebhart, Rosemary Keevil, Catherine Kolonko, Christina Leimer, M. Carolyn Miller, Joanna Nesbit, Michelle V Rafter, Randy Stapilus, Darlene West, Minda Zetlin.Posted

ASJA members attending the June 16 meeting: L.M. Archer, Maxine Cass, Fred Gebhart, Catherine Kolonko, Rosemary Keevil, M. Carolyn Miller, Bruce Miller, Joanna Nesbit, Michelle V Rafter, and Randy Stapilus.