The Pacific Northwest chapter of ASJA, which marks its fifth anniversary this fall, launched the new year with a virtual meeting on January 19th.
Joining the get-together, along with chapter members from across the region, were:
- Jim Carberry, a retired journalist now living in Barcelona, Spain, who gave an update on a project to help local news organizations by providing free writing workshops and other services, and
- Bill Lascher, a narrative nonfiction writer from Portland who joined ASJA last year. Bill is the author of two works of historical nonfiction: Eve of a Hundred Midnights and The Golden Fortress, California’s Border War on Dust Bowl Refugees.
Discussed at the meeting, in addition to individual member news and needs:
- ASJA’s Facebook Group, which has replaced the website Forums as an online meeting place for members
- A new, locally owned newspaper in Bellingham, WA. The Cascadia Daily News publishes news online daily and a printed version once a week.
Minda Zetlin, Inc. columnist and author of Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work, published last year, gave a talk on reaching your biggest career goals, on January 28th, at the Angel Arms, a beautiful, artist created event space in a former church in Snohomish, Washington. A virtual talk on the same topic is set for January 31st, for an expected audience of over 200 at MIT.
ASJA members attending the January meeting: Maxine Cass, Rosemary Keevil, Catherine Kolonko, Bill Lascher, Bruce Miller, M. Carolyn Miller, Joanna Nesbit, Michelle V. Rafter, Randy Stapilus, Sharon Thompson, Darlene West, Minda Zetlin.