Author: Darlene West

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2022-02

    Copyright law for authors and creators was on the agenda at the February Zoom meeting of ASJA Pacific Northwest, with guest speaker Robert Parker, a lawyer with Holt Woods & Scisciani LLP in Portland. Although he focused on U.S. law, Robert noted that the basics of copyright law are international, based on treaties signed by…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2022-01

    Members of ASJA Pacific Northwest launched the new year with plans to host quarterly guest speakers, organize a fall retreat, schedule in-person get-togethers in Washington when feasible, and set up a sub-group to focus on book promotion. Robert Parker, Esq., Senior Associate Attorney with Holt Woods & Scisciani, is scheduled to speak about copyright issues…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-12

    A group of writers from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia got together December 15th for an informal Christmas social and year-end meeting of ASJA Pacific Northwest. Items on the agenda at the virtual meeting included member plans for the year ahead, possibility of inviting guest speakers to chapter meetings, and updates on assignments and…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-11

    Thanks to Zoom, a group of ASJA members linked up with fellow writers from home offices in the Pacific Northwest and from on the road in Paris, France. Writers at the November meeting compared notes on: Renegotiating an unfavorable contract before accepting an assignment Approaches to developing a narrative from cultural history research Potential sources…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-10

    The October 20th virtual meeting of ASJA Pacific Northwest brought together ten writers from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. In chapter news, Carolyn Miller updated the group on the status of the ASJA PNW website and development of a members’ resource section. Carolyn has also formed a committee with Joanna Nesbit and Sharon Thompson to check…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-09

    Twelve writers from ASJA’s Pacific Northwest chapter met virtually in September after a two-month summer hiatus. The get-togethers are a chance for local members to share news and solicit ideas and advice on writing related work, marketing, and technology. The group welcomed Christina Leimer, an ASJA member who recently moved to Portland, and finalized plans…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-06

    Plans to resume occasional in-person meetings for members living in Portland and the logistics of other members attending virtually were on the agenda at ASJA’s Pacific Northwest chapter’s June get-together. The group also voted to break for the summer. Zoom meetings will resume in September on the third Wednesday of each month at 1pm. In…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-05

    With most members fully vaccinated and restrictions on travel and meetings being eased in some regions, signs that life is returning to a pre-pandemic normal were the talk of ASJA’s Pacific Northwest chapter meeting on May 19. “Work is definitely coming back,” said Fred Gebhart, a medical writer whose latest projects have included virtual medical…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-04

    Ten ASJA members from the Pacific Northwest joined the group’s virtual monthly meeting on April 21. The get-togethers are a chance for local members to share news and solicit ideas and advice on writing related work, marketing, and technology. Issues on the minds of writers at the latest meeting included tips for staying focused on…

  • ASJA PNW Meeting 2021-03

    Ongoing travel restrictions and advisories, both local and cross-border, continue to dominate work life, and life in general. But with Covid-19 immunization programs rolling out across North America, many writers attending the spring meeting of ASJA Pacific Northwest had either received a first vaccine or had vaccinations in the works. Among the issues discussed at…